Lisa: as a practicing attorney for 45 years with a significant practice in elder care, I have encountered a number of home health care service providers, both with my own family members and clients. My experiences with Personally Yours Senior & Support Services, LLC, its staff, home health providers and management, I can truly say was the best I have ever experienced. The degree of care of the providers and the professionalism of the staff and management was first-class. I would highly recommend Personally Yours Senior & Support Services to anyone with the need for support and care management services for their loved ones.
South Jersey In Home Support & Concierge Services
A Few of the Lives We Have Touched & Simplified
C. William W., Esq.
Personally Yours has taken care of my father for eight years from the beginning of his difficulty with the initial stages of dementia until his death. As his condition deteriorated Personally Yours was able to hire, coordinate and supervise other healthcare professionals in order to keep him in his home and remain healthy engaged and comfortable. Personally Yours did all of this with efficient, loving care, where his Personally Yours staff members were almost like family members. Thanks again for the fine efforts of you and your team in keeping my Dad comfortable to the end. Thanks Lisa!
Lisa, as I mentioned to Renee and Ellen, you all have made a significant difference in my mom’s life as far as I’m concerned! You especially, Lisa, as chief honcho (honchess?) have taken the bull by the horns and firmly guided the situation in a more positive direction for which I am very appreciative.
We have both been very impressed by your integrity and the guiding light of Personally Yours. Hopefully the intensity of oversight for my mom as it is now.
Still, visits and kindness from her extended family (you three) have seemed to have given her uplift. Her spirit is still there albeit infused with confusion and it’s nice to see the smiles. A heartfelt thanks again and all the best for this year!